Friday, August 24, 2007

Lots of Work

Hi all,
this is going to be a shorter entry than they usually are because I'm tired and I wanna go to bed soon. Anyway, on Wensday night, Mom and I found out that I can't digest turkey necks very well. Mom was sleeping and I began to feel sick. I started making throw-up sounds, and Mom jumped out of bed and ran to where I was. She tried to get me to the bathroom floor, but it was too late, and I gagged. We looked down, expecting to see my supper all over the floor, but it wasn't there. Mom couldn't find any mess. I made the barfing sounds three more times that night, and felt sick on top of it,, so I don't think Mom got much sleep, but I didn't throw anything up. Mom has decided that I can't have turkey anymore, and that I can have chicken legs if I want to eat raw bird parts. On Thursday afternoon, Mom gave me some venison pieces, and I ate those up, and they didn't make me sick. She told me that I can eat those from now on... yay, I get to eat Bambi!
Mom and I had to get up early today so we could be ready for the phone guys I told you about. I know I wasn't supposed to, but I forgot and barked at the door when they knocked. Mom told me to be quiet, and after one big bark, and a little woof, I was good. The phone guys were very nice to Mom and Auntie Julia. They tried to do all they could to fix their phone problems, and when they couldn't help anymore, they fixed some outlet in Mom's room. I think the best part though about them was that they played with me! They played tug with me and they liked to pet me. I loved the play time, and Mom said I'd made instant friends. I tend to do that.
After they'd left, Mom, Auntie Julia and I went out to lunch, and then to Mom's parents' house. I hung out with Marlin for a while and then Mom and I took a much needed nap upstairs.
Mom worked at her computer for a while, and I think later she told Auntie Julia that she'd applied for a job. I hope she gets a job. I love to work and if we can go somewhere every day, it'll be awesome. Tomorrow we're doing something. I get to see Kelton and Debby again for Mom's training, and then after that I don't know what we're doing. Mom told me she doesn't know if we're going to her grandmother's house tomorrow, or on Saturday morning. Whenever we go, I know it'll be fun. There's lots of interesting smells up there.
Well, I'm really tired and so I think I'm going to snuggle up in my crate. Mom and I have to wake up kind of early tomorrow.
Night all!

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