Saturday, October 20, 2007

Adventures at the Mall Of America

Hi all,
I meant to blog about this earlier, but after we got home from our adventures, I was so tired that I couldn't do anything but sleep. I think I woke up once later that night to relieve, but that was it.
Anyway, Mom, Auntie Julia and I went out to the Megga Mall with my buddy Kaylor and Dena. Kaylor and I were so excited to get out cause it had been raining for the past week and we hadn't been able to have a decent walk. We loved working in the mall, and we got a lot of comments as we passed by. Mom and Dena got annoied at some of the people who just assumed that we could be petted, even though it was clear we were actually guiding our moms around. We also had some trouble in a restaurant with idiot waiters who didn't understand how to interact with blind people. Also, a kid who looked to Auntie Julia like he was twelve kept whistling at Kaylor whenever he passed by our table. Finally, Dena caught him and told him to quit it.
After we had eaten, we asked to talk to the manager of the restaurant, and when we talked to him, he blew off our concerns. We decided that we would no longer eat there when we came back.
After we had left the restaurant, we went to a book store and Mom got a new book. When she was paying for it, the casheer asked her if, because she was blind, if she prayed for sight. Mom couldn't believe at first what she was hearing, but she just said that she considers her blindness a gift sometimes, and then she grabbed her book and I took her to the exit as fast as I could. After that, we left, but were still hasseled by other people in the mall. I don't understand why people want to touch me all the time when I'm working. I just ignore them and remain my aloof self, but it bugs Mom and I get why.
Once we'd left the Mall we went back to the Barns N Noble in Eagan and hung out there for a while. Kaylor and I got to rest while Auntie Julia and Dena did work for a class project Auntie Julia needed to work on. I helped Mom find another book after a while, and I helped her find the bathroom and get a huge glass of ice water. We were planning to leave at five and go back home, but Dena's husband, Jason, asked us if we wanted to come out for dinner with them instead. We went out for dinner and it was good, but by the end of it both Kaylor and I were tired, and restless from being in harness so long. Mom took me home, and fed me and I went to sleep right away. The day was long and tiring, but very fun in the end.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, Joan and I can't believe all the hassles you got at the MOA. Joan says people are kinda crazy there - just pumped up for some reason - so maybe they were acting so weird because of that. You should tell us what restaurant so we all don't go there if they don't know how to serve all people well.

And then that cashier, honestly!

Joan said she saw a woman with her work dog at the grocery store (she did not pet the dog!) though she appreciated him.

She also saw another dog in training at another grocery store. She wants to train a dog for work - that would mean I'd have another friend in the house. I told Joan I'd think about it. There is a big group in Austin and San Antonio that raise work dogs like Torpedo.

Joan thinks that you'd get a lot less hassled if America let dogs go everywhere - like in Europe or only a few places. San Francisco dogs can go on the bus - even me! I think people just love dogs but they think they are pets and not working. Keep up the good work and ignore all those hands.
