Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Stuff I forgot last night

Hi Guys,
I forgot to tell you about where we're going next week. We're going to this great place called the cabin. It's Mom's Grandma's cabin. It's far from our house and is by a lake. I love it up there. I get to smell all the new smells and there are lots of smells I don't usually get to sniff around the house. Mom loves it up there, but here's the weird thing that she likes to do. She likes to swim. I hate swimming. I don't like water at all, as most of you know. Mom says I'm a weird dog because I'm a lab and I'm supposed to like water, but I just don't. She tries to take me into the lake when we're up there, but I always fight her... I hate it. She's persistant though and usually gets me in. She doesn't take me above my head though and I feel ok with that, but guess why she wants to take me in the water? She wants to give me a bath... BOOO! I hate baths so it's twice the insult. First the water, then the bath.
One time, I was getting a bath and I got all soapy. Mom didn't know how to best get me into the lake, so auntie Julia picked me up as best as she could and threw me in!
I was so scared and I splashed around for a few minutes, but then I calmed down. that was the day Marlin taught me how to swim. I just watched him and saw how he swam and then I copied him. I wish he was here to teach me again... I miss my big brother and so does Mom.
I hope she doesn't take me into the water this time, but if she does, I'll be a good boy and not try to run away... I mean I'll try to try.
Other than the water, I love being with Mom at the cabin. She says she's gonna get me some special treats so I can have good things to eat up there. I love car rides and we get to go on one when we leave next Monday yay yay yay!
I'll tell you all about the cabin when we get back. For now, it's almost time for dinner... even bigger yay!
bye for now,

1 comment:

Auntie Julia said...

Torpy, you should tell everyone about your adopted brother Romeo.